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Intellectual Property for Startups

The most important entry that a startup needs to add to its to-do list is “File Patents”. Patents are very important for individual inventors and startups, since they play a key role when it comes to aiming at a large recognition in initial stages.

In another perspective, patent is also an additional tool in order to set up a business based around the invention and can be considered as a strategic tool to obtain early investments which in turn encourages additional innovations. Any startup need to know the fact that patent is an ultimate tool to fight with superior challengers and is critical in successfully achieving business goals by executing the technology.

Startups need to focus early on to protect their ideas from falling prey to the tough competition in the market. One of the challenges faced by the startups is unlawful exploitation of their innovation by the competitor, filing a patent prevents competitors and big businesses in doing the same.

Prometheus has well rounded experience in dealing with these early challenges faced by startups in protecting their ideas. Our team of intellectual property professionals aims at providing clear and transparent suggestions for the startups and eventually helps them in securing their patent rights.

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