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Digital Barcode patent granted to Applied BioCode, Inc. for identification of multiplexed biomarkers

Applied BioCode announced on February 9th, 2016 the grant of US Patent 9255922 from United Stated Patent and Trademark Office. Briefly, the granted patent describes the material and method of a digital barcode, and the specialty of which being 1,000 times smaller than the conventional barcodes. The digital barcode is mainly employed for simultaneous identification of thousands of bacteria, viruses, pathogens, or biomarkers. More specifically, the patented Barcoded Magnetic Bead allows easy scanning of 4,096 available barcodes and precise identification with no indistinctness.

The inventors of US patent 9255922 entitled ‘Biocompatible and photocurable polymers’ are Winston Z. Ho and Chung-Jen Hou.  The invention relates generally to solid substrates for conducting biological assays and more explicitly to assay beads (microbeads) and methods for carrying out multiplexed bioassays using micro-volume samples, such as protein and nucleic acid analysis. The invention relates to substrates employed for biological testing and which are produced from photo-curable epoxy compositions including carboxyl-containing monomers such as acrylic acid, 2-carboxyethyl acrylic acid, 4-vinylbenzoic acid, or 3-Acrylamido-3-methyl-1-butanoic acid, or glycidyl methacrylate, etc. The invention proposes that the photo-curable compositions may be used to cast films or fabricate beads, magnetic beads, or magnetic beads containing nickel barcodes. Subsequently, the resultant different kinds of films, beads, magnetic beads, or magnetic beads containing nickel barcodes possibly will find use in an assortment of clinical or biological applications.

About Applied BioCode: Applied BioCode, Inc. mainly works with respect to development of biopolymer-base micrometer scale barcoded magnetic beads, with excellent great physical properties (density, rigidity, temperature, pressure, shelf-life stability) and chemical properties (pH stability, surface chemistry, bio-functionalities), including exceptional biological compatibility (nucleic acids, proteins, buffers, and long term stability) for biological applications. In terms of business, the company develops, manufactures and markets components and products for the Research Testing market. The inherent digital Barcoded Magnetic Bead technology enables products for customers in various arenas including the Laboratory Diagnostics, Life Science Research, Ag-Bio, Food Safety Testing, Environmental Testing, and Bio-Defense markets. As per the records, six companies have licensed Applied BioCode’s technology for an assortment of market relevance. Currently, the company is involved in developing an 18-plex Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel for the most common pathogens including viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause infectious diarrhea. The 18-Plex GI Pathogen Panel will be run on the BioCode MDx 3000 Molecular Diagnostic System and the submission to FDA is anticipated shortly this year.

According to Winston Ho, Ph.D., President of Applied BioCode “The new patent expands our four earlier granted patents including the optical scanner that is responsible for decoding the digital barcode and identifying each analyte target in the sample,” and “These patents solidify our intellectual property portfolio by further protecting our encoded polymer bead technology and providing our products with long term market value.”

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