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Canadian patent granted to Orthocell for bioscaffolds

A Canadian patent has been granted to Regenerative medicine company, Orthocell Limited for Canadian Patent Application No. 2685146 entitled “Tenocyte containing bioscaffolds and treatments using the same” and the announcement was made on 9th Dec. 2015, Perth, Australia. The patent granted covers the combination of bio-scaffolds and tenocytes, the cells that make up healthy tendons for tendon regeneration. On an informative note, Orthocell founded in 2006 is the world’s foremost regenerative medicine company, bestowed to provide pioneering treatments for people suffering from tendon, cartilage and soft tissue injuries.

With the granted patent, Orthocell’s patent family is further complemented by covering cells scaffolds and combinations. The granted patent tag along already granted patents in the USA, Singapore, China and New Zealand to provide a solid IP foundation for both cellular therapy for tendon regeneration and for the collagen based medical device Celgro™.

Until date, the company has successfully build up and instigated commercialization of two autologous cell therapies, using a patient’s own cells for the treatment of damaged and degenerated tendons (Ortho-ATI™), as well as damaged and degenerated cartilage (Ortho-ACI™). Orthocell has also developed a collagen scaffold product (CelGro™) for the repair and reconstruction of soft tissue injuries, such as tendon tears and guided bone regeneration in dental and orthopaedic applications. Previously, on 25th Nov 2015, Orthocell Limited was granted key patents in Hong Kong and Australia covering the manufacture of human tenocytes to form the Ortho-ATI™ product and the manufacture of its collagen based soft tissue reconstructive medical device, Celgro™.  The patents were portrayed as Hong Kong Patent No. 1179299 entitled “Culture medium, culturing method and use of tenocytes” and Australian patent no. PCT/AU2013/000621 entitled “Method for Producing a Collagen Membrane and Uses Thereof”.

Furthermore, the company owns a license to manufacture and market the Ortho-ATI™ and Ortho-ACI™ products in Australia and is reported to have treated more than 200 patients with individual therapies in Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia.

As far as the team is concerned, Orthocell’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer possess unique experience in the regenerative medical industry, and have been responsible for sheltering one of the first cell therapy products endorsed for the repair of cartilage in Australia and fore fronting the sale of one of Australia’s first regenerative medical companies. The Board also lists a number of experienced directors, including a world expert in orthopedics, as well as directors with track records in developing and gaining FDA approval and CE marking for products in the areas of life sciences and health care industry. On a note of the present granted patent, Orthocell Managing Director Paul Anderson mentions: “The granting of these patents further strengthens our international IP position and complements already granted patents in the USA, Singapore, China and New Zealand. These patents provide a solid IP foundation for both our cellular therapy for tendon regeneration and for our collagen based medical device Celgro™ as we develop these for international markets.” and: “Our patent family is continuing to grow and provide us with surety around our products and product development, ensuring a solid foundation for the partnering and licensing of our technologies.” The granted Canadian patent, collectively with the other granted family members in Australia, China, New Zealand and Singapore, will expire on 24th April 2028.

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